The latest update and its impact on Magento 1 Stores
January 23, 2019 - eCommerce / Magento

The latest update and its impact on Magento 1 Stores

As a part of the security updates, has made a change to the delimiters in the response transaction. This change impacts many Magento 1 online stores, as the base Magento code was unable to properly process. This change went live on Tuesday, January 22, 2019. See more information on this topic on at: ...
The Thumb-zone Mantra – Boost Your Online Sales by being in the ‘zone’ for user-friendliness
March 13, 2018 - eCommerce / SEO / Uncategorized

The Thumb-zone Mantra – Boost Your Online Sales by being in the ‘zone’ for user-friendliness

Brands all over the world have, at some point, transformed or thought about transforming their standard websites into responsive ones. The whole idea of having a responsive website is that it can host your products and services while re-adjusting itself to function on many devices without compromising the functionality, lowering user-experience and affecting the effectiveness. ...
Tips to consider while choosing the Right Ecommerce Platform for your Business
December 20, 2017 - eCommerce

Tips to consider while choosing the Right Ecommerce Platform for your Business

With the luxury of ordering food, to selling used items, to buying new items, to calling for cabs online, and a lot more, the increased penetration of internet connectivity has transformed the businesses and lives. As per the recent statistics from Statista, there will be a 246.15% surge in worldwide ecommerce sales, from $1.3 trillion ...
How recent economic flux made India a preferred ‘outsourcing destination’ for US market
December 15, 2017 - eCommerce / Marketing / other / SEO

How recent economic flux made India a preferred ‘outsourcing destination’ for US market

Amiable economic ties between US and India goes back beyond the implementation of globalization laws of early 90s. Today, the world’s greatest economy is considered one of the most important economic allies to Asia’s fastest emerging free-market. Trump’s administration has only cemented this reality more aggressively. And it is not going to change in the ...
Decently run an e-commerce store
June 21, 2017 - eCommerce

Decently run an e-commerce store

“In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is a failure. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible.” “We watch our competitors, learn from them. See the things that they were doing for customers and copy those things as much as we can.” – Jeff Bezos, Founder of During designing, ...
Must-Have Magento 2 Extensions
June 13, 2017 - eCommerce / Magento

Introducing Must-Have Magento 2 Extensions For Your Ecommerce Store

Introduction to Magento 2 Extensions The digital marketplace is an ever-evolving landscape, and for e-commerce businesses powered by Magento, extensions play a pivotal role in staying ahead of the curve. These powerful add-ons extend the functionality of your Magento 2 store, equipping you with the tools to tailor your site to the unique demands of ...
Protect your Magento Installation from Password Guessing
November 3, 2016 - eCommerce / Magento

Protect your Magento Installation from Password Guessing

Accordingly Magento Tech Resources We’re seeing an increasing number of brute force password guessing attacks on Magento installations worldwide. In some cases, these attacks have resulted in unauthorized admin panel access. We highly recommend that you take steps outlined below to protect your store against such attacks. As a first step, take an inventory all ...
New vulnerability of Magento platforms in Linux
November 3, 2016 - eCommerce / Magento

New vulnerability of Magento platforms in Linux

There’s a serious vulnerability that affects most Linux Operating Systems, CVE-2016-5195, also known as Dirty COW (yes, the name sounds silly but the problem is serious!). Dirty COW (CVE-2016-5195) is a privilege escalation vulnerability in the Linux Kernel that can allow a local user (like a web hosting account) to gain root access to the ...
Magento 2.0.4 is now available
April 1, 2016 - eCommerce / Magento

Magento 2.0.4 is now available

A fully integrated solution in Magento to handle customer return : request, exchange, refunds and inventory workflows are supported. Bug fixes : Division by 0 if no tax for shipping Prevent crash with deleted shipping method SSL issue for guest account link on frontend Redirect to login form if guest tries to create an account ...
Magento sites security at risk using Nginx and Magmi data import tool
October 9, 2015 - eCommerce / Magento

Magento sites security at risk using Nginx and Magmi data import tool

If you are using Nginx web server software and Magmi Data Import Tool, you should be aware of your Magento site security at risk. So, it is strongly recommend checking for this security concerns and get them fixed on your Magento site.

Nginx Web Server Misconfiguration recently reported that some misconfigured Magento sites using Nginx web server software are vulnerable to attacks. Magento cache files have certain sensitive data information, which can be used to important information about the installation, database password, customer information, etc. Nginx Web Server Misconfiguration allows outside access to Magento cache files.